Statistics 2021

The data below is taken from the integrated library system software used by all public libraries in Saskatchewan. These numbers highlight the growing patron base and widespread use of the public library system in Saskatchewan, the continued growth of both physical and electronic collections, and a degree of cooperation between public library systems that remains unprecedented in Canada.

Please note that not all statistics are comparable across all years due to changes in software systems in 2009-10, 2013 and 2015. Differences in each system’s data gathering and reporting methods will have affected overall numbers. The current system provides accurate and specific data which the consortium has been using to inform decision making since September 2015.

Usage in 2020 and to a lesser extent 2021 was greatly affected by the Covid19 pandemic. Library branches closed in late March 2020 and began re-opening and offering varying levels of service later in the year. The closures resulted in a large reduction in use of physical collections, while use of digital services increased substantially.

2021 Highlights

Circulation of Physical Materials
Holds Placed
Holds Filled Through SILS
Unique Borrowers of Physical Materials Individual Customers
Physical Titles
Physical Items


The chart below indicates the total number of Saskatchewan residents with library cards and the number of active patrons who have used their public library card at least once in the past two years. The data for active patrons is based on customers whose records show one of the following activities: check out, renewal, check-in, billing, payment, placing a hold, a new registration, or a login authentication to access an electronic resource.

Context: Prior to SILS forming in 2010, each library system used their own separate software, so many Saskatchewan residents had multiple library cards as a result. The launch of SILS meant that a library card could be used at any public library in the province (‘One Province, One Library Card’!). Because residents are no longer required to carry library cards for multiple library systems, the total number of cardholders in recent years more accurately reflects the number of residents registered at a public library in Saskatchewan. ​ ​Other factors that may have affected registered borrower counts include changes to the definition of a registered borrower, concerted attempts to remove duplicate borrowers from the database, and a change in policy in 2013 which made library cards transferable. This policy change may have resulted in libraries issuing fewer cards as families are now able to share a single card. All factors have remained consistent since September 2015, at which point the library system software changed and more accurate counts became available.

Data available: 2009-present; historical data available from government publications: 2009; 2010-2014

  Total Active
Dec. 31, 2021 398,903 266,560
Dec. 31, 2020 383,350 244,991
Dec. 31, 2019 362,433 267,581
Dec. 31, 2018 345,880 262,202
Dec. 31, 2017 340,806 258,708
Dec. 31, 2016 336,261 254,199
Dec. 31, 2015 335,143 246,114

Interagency Holds

The chart below provides the number of physical items that were shipped among SILS agencies to fill hold requests. Interlibrary loan (ILL) items, which are borrowed from outside the SILS system, are excluded.

2021 Loaned to another library Borrowed from another library
Chinook Regional Library 49162 54022
Lakeland Library Region 79051 47657
Pahkisimon Nuyeʔáh Library System 42255 3205
Palliser Regional Library 90791 40708
Parkland Library Region 48764 65994
Prince Albert Public Library 52122 16566
Provincial Library 6356 142
Regina Public Library 137278 164702
Saskatoon Public Library 141712 211572
Southeast Regional Library 80742 91300
Wapiti Regional Library 60960 67120
Wheatland Regional Library 73870 100075
Total 863063 863063

Reciprocal Borrowing

The chart below shows the number of patrons from each agency who used their library cards in person at a library branch outside the library system that issued their card.

2021 Unique Borrowers Items Checked Out Holds Picked Up
Chinook Regional Library 163 2277 889
Lakeland Library Region 172 2802 703
Pahkisimon Nuyeʔáh Library System 46 620 37
Palliser Regional Library 292 4919 1211
Parkland Library Region 465 8724 2050
Prince Albert Public Library 101 954 226
Provincial Library 7 47 38
Regina Public Library 639 6824 1837
Saskatoon Public Library 925 13204 4337
Southeast Regional Library 1163 34728 9399
Wapiti Regional Library 981 34863 7008
Wheatland Regional Library 1853 57346 13424
Total 6752 167308 41159

Circulation - eBooks and eAudiobooks

The chart below provides the number of ebooks and audiobooks from the OverDrive digital collection that were used by Saskatchewan residents in the last full year from either the library2go site or the Libby app.

Context: Use of OverDrive ebooks and audiobooks has increased significantly over the last several years due to pandemic closures and increased investment by libraries.

- 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Chinook Regional Library 35,083 36,133 36,058 38,011 40,075 46,885 70,140 82,985
Lakeland Library Region 48,975 51,584 49,800 48,763 31,883 38,026 79,339 91,567
Pahkisimon Nuyeʔáh Library System 1792 1804 2200 2575 3139 3647 5018 6,466
Palliser Regional Library 345,880 262,202 42,604 41,800 42,648 45,944 67,595 74,528
Parkland Library Region 32,434 34,734 35,509 35,189 35,066 42,036 61,721 70,787
Prince Albert Public Library N/A N/A N/A N/A 13,111 14,672 21,982 25,896
Regina Public Library 122,689 126,420 122,295 118,998 122,228 159,358 320,597 398,408
Saskatoon Public Library 161,508 167,816 173,138 175,516 180,513 221,817 391,059 524,379
Southeast Regional Library 52,135 56,397 57,720 62,316 65,483 74,679 108,110 129,676
Wapiti Regional Library 56,546 57,925 59,709 59,084 45,993 51,792 75,182 85,844
Wheatland Regional Library 77,893 87,513 89,936 96,261 98,336 108,919 151,597 178,478
Total 634,655 664,668 668,998 678,531 678,480 807,802 1,352,293 1,664,680

Circulation - Physical Materials

The chart below provides total annual circulation of physical materials (electronic materials are not included) by library system for the last full year. Included are the number of unique borrowers, total circulation (checkouts and renewals combined), and total holds placed.

2021 Unique Borrowers Total Circulation Total Holds Placed
Chinook Regional Library 4609 220740 90898
Lakeland Library Region 5134 250967 90173
Pahkisimon Nuyeʔáh Library System 2385 46596 5832
Palliser Regional Library 5765 272506 87231
Parkland Library Region 5254 244356 109910
Prince Albert Public Library 2631 129862 23391
Provincial Library 19 376 173
Regina Public Library 26593 1370567 399139
Saskatoon Public Library 31551 1689691 607085
Southeast Regional Library 9132 413449 192552
Wapiti Regional Library 7127 360941 125193
Wheatland Regional Library 8534 501805 236192
Total 105144 5501856 1967769

Collection Size by Physical Item

The chart below provides the number of physical items in SILS that are available for patrons to use, broken down by material type. Electronic items, such as ebooks and e-audiobooks, are not included.

  All Items Books Video Sound Recording Spoken Word Serials Other
2021 3,642,940 3,101,325 242,395 56,589 51,100 77,689 110,103
2020 3,633,734 3,093,916 240,268 59,940 50,929 79,188 106,506
2019 3,673,790 3,099,812 229,268 64,074 51,405 124,327 104,355
2018 3,684,721 3,119,316 220,578 66,907 51,308 122,935 103,959
2017 3,657,466 3,107,541 209,054 69,617 50,570 122,443 99,472
2016 3,691,975 3,146,367 202,366 71,417 50,071 125,242 97,787

Collection Size by Title

The chart below provides the number of unique titles in SILS, as well as the number of new titles added per year. E-titles refer to ebooks and e-audio books, and ‘physical’ titles refer to physical books and media.

  All Titles All Physical Titles All E-Titles Newly Added Physical Titles Newly Added E-Titles
2021 1,314,878 1,030,200 284,678 85,748 30,775
2020 1,401,036 1,012,887 388,149 49,462 123,954
2019 1,383,766 1,027,316 356,450 68,630 16,032
2018 1,677,254 1,004,414 672,840 78,997 96,240
2017 1,618,474 1,002,565 615,909 144,494 148,081
2016 1,575,926 995,790 580,136 64,630 228,316

More statistics available here: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016